Footage taken using surveillance cameras was viewed on Monday June 3, 2024 before the Souillac court, as part of the judicial investigation into the death of Pravin Kanakiah. This Procurement and Supply Officer, aged 38, was found dead on December 11, 2020, in La-Roche-qui-Pleure, Gris-Gris.

These are recordings from surveillance cameras located in Réduit, Gris-Gris, and at the Kanakiah home, with a view to retracing the journey of the deceased. They were presented in court by former police officer Siva Govinden, assigned to the Major Crime Investigation Team.

On a first recording, we can notably see the official leaving his residence in Plaine-Magnien on the morning of December 10, 2020. He was then wearing black pants and a white shirt. Subsequently, another taken by a Safe City camera in Réduit was viewed.

The police officer explained that he had recovered these images, following information provided by Oushna Sookeea, Management Support Officer, and colleague of the deceased. She claimed to have seen him there. However, it is not clear whether it is Pravin Kanakiah in the video.

Another video taken from a private villa, belonging to Finance Minister Renganaden Padayachy, was released. However, there was no image of the victim. The policeman claimed that in fact he saw a figure resembling Pravin Kanakiah. The hearing was adjourned to June 21, 2024 before Ameerah Dhunnoo.

Previously, the police officer confirmed having recovered Pravin Kanakiah's bag on December 29, 2020, from La-Roche-qui-Pleure to Bain-des-Négresses. The bag was empty except for grains of sand and stones.

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