More than 90% of the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry on Drugs report have already been put into practice. Information communicated by the Prime Minister this Tuesday afternoon, June 4. He was speaking to the press after the seventh meeting of the High Level Drugs and HIV Council.

Pravind Jugnauth was keen to point out that the Drug Users Administrative Panel (DUAP) is already operational and that several people have shown themselves to be in favor of the recommended treatments.

According to figures provided by the Minister of Health, of the 153 cases referred by the police, only 78 were declared as “eligible”. Currently, 39 cases are being handled by the Drug Users Administrative Panel.

The fight against drugs continues, underlines Pravind Jugnauth.

“More open to resevwar all information”, affirms the latter who adds that the letters and communications he receives are treated in complete confidentiality.

Another announcement: a Regional Drug Observatory will soon be created. The establishment of this observatory will make it possible to intensify the fight against drug trafficking, affirms the head of government.

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