“The PMSD extends its warmest congratulations to Shri Narendra Modi and the National Democratic Alliance for their historic victory in the Indian parliamentary elections.”

This is what the PMSD leader wrote on his Facebook page this Wednesday, June 5.

Here is his post:

“The re-election of Narendra Modi guarantees the continuity of the privileged relations between our two nations. India has always been a key partner and unwavering supporter of Mauritius, as evidenced by the substantial assistance we have received over decades, and especially in recent times. We are certain that cooperation between our two nations will be further strengthened under this new mandate. These elections demonstrated once again that India remains the largest democracy in the world. Indian citizens expressed their attachment to democratic values ​​by turning out en masse to the polls. The PMSD extends its best wishes to Shri Narendra Modi and the people of India, wishing them peace and prosperity for the future.”

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