Since Friday, June 21, the Château de Labourdonnais has been home to a new room. It is a bibliographic space dedicated to Paul and Virginie, the famous characters from the novel by Bernardin de Saint-Pierre.

This initiative offers visitors a complete immersion in the world of the famous novel.

Visitors to the Château de Labourdonnais, located at the Domaine de Labourdonnais in Mapou, can now discover a new bibliographic space dedicated to Paul and Virginie. This initiative aims to offer them a complete immersion in the world of the illustrious novel. “This space is intended to be a place of discovery and reflection, allowing everyone to reconnect with this emblematic history. It offers the opportunity to better understand the influence of Bernardin de Saint-Pierre on Mauritian culture,” explains Mélissa Vatinelle, Leisure & Events Manager of the DDL group.

The Château de Labourdonnais houses a new room dedicated to a bibliographic space devoted to Paul and Virginie.

The collection presents rare volumes of the work of Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, historical lithographs, old maps, prints illustrating legendary scenes, as well as a variety of objects such as antique plates, magic lantern plates and stamps bearing the likeness of the characters. Each piece on display tells a part of the history and cultural impact of this literary masterpiece. The richness of this collection is the result of many years of passion and research.

Each piece on display tells a part of the history and cultural impact of this literary masterpiece.

For this project, the Château de Labourdonnais benefited from the expertise and passion of Philippe Lenoir, collector and specialist in the bibliography and iconography of Paul and Virginie. It was he who designed and carried out this project in close collaboration with the Château de Labourdonnais team. “This collection of varied editions of the book 'Paul et Virginie' is probably one of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful, in Mauritius, with more than 150 volumes. The room has been sanded to restore the shine of the original wood and houses a bibliographic museum with around ten display units. Around forty books are on display, while the others will remain on shelves. To attenuate the purely intellectual aspect of the installation, iconographic elements were added to make the visit more interesting,” explains Phillipe Lenoir.

As a reminder, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, born January 19, 1737 in Le Havre, is a renowned French botanist and writer. His work “Paul and Virginie”, first published in 1787, takes place in Mauritius. It is deeply rooted in local folklore. Inspired by his two-year stay on the island (1768-1770), Bernardin de Saint-Pierre tells the poignant story of two young lovers, whose innocent and pure love is tragically doomed to failure.

The first names Paul and Virginie have survived the centuries. Even today, they are omnipresent in the local culture, giving their names to restaurants, hotels and schools. A true living cultural heritage, their story continues to captivate and inspire, making this novel a literary heritage of Mauritius.

The Château de Labourdonnais

The Château de Labourdonnais was built in 1856 and inhabited by a Mauritian family for over 150 years. The place is an invitation to discover the 19th century art of living. A long avenue of Intendances leads to the estate where a historical and cultural tour awaits visitors.

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