Maneesh Gobin is convinced of this: “It is a government led by Pravind Jugnauth which will present the 2025-26 Budget next year. » He indicated that when he looks at the measures presented in the 2024-25 Budget, he understands that they are sharpening their weapons in order to face the next general elections. “The Budget presented last Friday revolves around a good number of social measures. All those presented by the government include measures that promote social justice, unlike the Budgets presented by those on the other side, which predicted economic disasters,” added the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

He then pointed out that “the government has always been constant” throughout its mandate, despite the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical crises. “The population was on our side during these hard times. Our resilience allowed us to bounce back. Tomorrow belongs to us…”, he insisted.

He also castigated the opposition and defended the Budget. Maneesh Gobin targeted the opposition leader. In an intervention marked by harsh criticism, he described Arvin Boolell's speech as “disjointed”, “confetti” and “bland”. The Minister of Foreign Affairs also recalled that the government, since the start of its five-year term, has been able to maintain its stability, unlike the parliamentary opposition which has changed leader four times.

Maneesh Gobin then insisted on the fact that the latest budget speech, like the previous ones, places emphasis on social justice, with the aim of lifting Mauritians out of poverty. “The Budget highlights economic empowerment, employment and the cost of living,” he said.

According to him, there is a climate of confidence and serenity among the population and among economic operators. “All the lights are green,” he said, emphasizing the optimism and solidity of the country’s economic fundamentals.

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