With a market capitalization of Rs 101.12 billion and a price per share of Rs 399.50 at the close on May 15, MCB Group is the first company listed on the SEM to reach a market capitalization of Rs 100 billion. The recent publication of the group's financial report contributed to this performance. The group saw its net profits for the first nine months of the financial year climb by 14.2%, from Rs 10.9 billion to Rs 12.4 billion. The total annual return of MCBG since 1989 – the date of its listing on the stock exchange – is 19.8%. As for its market capitalization on July 5, 1989, it was Rs 488.6 million.

Furthermore, the SEMTRI also displays a record level of 9505.9 points at closing on May 15. The index ended the session at 2206.40 points, and recorded growth of 8.3% since the start of 2024. The SEMTRI notably benefited from the quarterly results of companies such as MCB Group Limited, SBM Holdings Ltd, CIEL Limited or Phoenix Beverages Ltd.

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