A case of theft of a Mercedes has been solved by the Divisional Crime Intelligence Unit and the Force Crime Intelligence Unit of the Western Division. This sedan was stolen between May 8 and 23, to the detriment of a resident of Flic-en-Flac. After the car was found in a cane field in Medina earlier this week, a first suspect was apprehended.

The theft of the sedan was reported by the owner's housekeeper, who is currently traveling abroad. She would have noticed the absence of the car in the garage on May 23.

The sedan was reportedly taken away during a break-in in Morcellement Bismic, Flic-en-Flac. The thugs allegedly took the opportunity to break into the house of the owner of the sedan, also stealing bottles of liquor and a laptop.

Investigators from the DCIU and FCIU Western Division on Monday raided a cane field in Pierrefonds, Medina, where the stolen car was found. This Wednesday, a first suspect was brought on board by investigators. His accomplice is actively sought.

Experts from the Scene Of Crime Office have already taken fingerprints from the house, as well as the stolen car, in order to trace the perpetrators.

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