He described his meeting with the Electoral Commissioner on Friday May 24 as “very interesting”. According to Xavier-Luc Duval the main subject was focused on the counting of votes on the day of the elections. He affirms that at the PMSD they have a very clear position on this subject where national unity is paramount, and under no circumstances can it be put in danger.

“Si demin, konne ki lekol, dan ki vilaz, ki site, dan lendrwa inn vot so-and-such party, otomatikman, se la natir imin, pou gainn enn diskriminasyon si par malsans, sa lendrwa-la fell dan lopozisyon pour le sink prosenn zane,” he emphasized.

The leader of the PMSD thus expressed his support for the counting of votes on the same day, but opposed this being done in schools.

“In my constituency, there are 16 polling stations, and 316 voting centers in the country. I will not be able to be in 16 schools in the evening to check that everything is going correctly,” he added.

Xavier-Luc Duval says he is in favor of grouping ballot boxes in a single voting center, a practice adopted in certain countries. He proposed that all political parties put their seals on the ballot boxes and follow the trucks carrying them for their personal satisfaction.

Among other proposals, the leader of the blues wanted indelible ink to be used to prevent a person from voting several times and for the electoral register to remain open as long as possible.

In reaction to Roshi Bhadain's declaration this Friday morning concerning an alliance between the MSM and the PMSD, Xavier-Luc Duval declared that the leader of the Reform Party “has lost all credibility”.

“Li pa kone ki li pe dir…Li pe dir bann koneri. PMSD pann fer okenn negosiasyon ni lalians ek person. In tan and lie, we can iron seki bizin! “, he added.

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