On the sidelines of Mother's Day which is celebrated this Sunday, we went to meet Sheila Bangaroo, resident of Dagotière, who has overcome a decade of ordeals with exemplary resilience since the sudden loss of her husband, taken away by a heart attack at 49. At the time, aged 32 and mother of triplets, Vitz, Warren and Valencia, as well as a 5-month-old infant, Meiling, she faced this ordeal with remarkable courage and determination. Her children have grown up since then, just like her. Narrative.

It was at her home in Dagotière that Sheila Bangaroo arranged to meet us. We arrive in this quiet village where the air is chilly during this winter period. As soon as we arrive, the forty-year-old comes to meet us. Dressed in jeans and a sweater, her simplicity is to her credit. For only makeup, she wears a smile that warms the heart in this gray weather. She invites us into her house, a true witness to family warmth.

Comfortably seated in the living room, she tells us her story. “Ten years ago, my husband died suddenly. I didn't expect it, because he wasn't sick. My world turned upside down overnight,” she tells us. The hardest thing for her was announcing the death of her husband to her children. “My children were very close to their father. I didn't know how to tell them the news or how they would react. However, over time, they were able to grieve, and I was always there to support them,” she continues.

At the time, Sheila Bangaroo was not working, devoting herself entirely to her children and their education. A year after becoming a widow, she found a job with a betting operator to support her family. “I had to find a job, because it wasn't easy financially with four children. Of course, there was the pension, but it was insufficient,” she says. Balancing work and family life has not been easy. However, she was able to find time for her children and encourage them in their studies, while working hard to be independent. 10 years have passed since this tragedy. The triplets will soon celebrate their 18th birthday, while the youngest celebrated her 10th birthday last April.

“I have had invaluable support from my family. My father took care of the children while I worked. I was able to get back on my feet, but I know there is still a long way to go. I remain determined to always be there for my children,” confides our interlocutor. At 42, she embodies strength and resilience. Her husband was of Telegou origin, while she comes from a cultural mix with a Chinese father and a Hindu mother. Together, they instilled values ​​of diversity and unity in their children. “I make sure that my children continue their studies and that they follow the right path. For me, education is essential, because I firmly believe that it is the key to success. In addition, I want them to be independent,” she explains.

Despite the challenges, the forty-year-old remains smiling and full of joie de vivre. She wants to be a good role model for her children, showing them that even in the face of adversity, it is important to stay strong and look toward the future. “Although I went through moments of loneliness, I found strength in my children and in my faith,” adds our interlocutor. Sheila Bangaroo does not let the misfortunes of the past get her down. “You should never look back. I experienced the loss of my husband. He is always in my heart, except that I don't make it a weakness. I am determined to move forward,” she says, preferring to focus on the future of her children. As a mother, she shows them the way and guides them towards a better future. Its goal is to create a warm home and ensure their well-being.


For Mother's Day, her children asked her what she wanted, but for Sheila Bangaroo, the most important thing is to be together. She does not seek material things, but values ​​time spent with her family. “Today, two of my children live in Beau-Bassin to be closer to their school, but they stay in daily contact thanks to video calls. I appreciate every moment spent with them. During the school holidays, I try to spend as much time as possible with the four of us,” she says. Moreover, she admits that the best times with her children are at the family home, chatting. “I don’t really like going out. I prefer to stay here. We talk, we share things and we laugh,” says our speaker.

Looking to the future, Sheila Bangaroo may one day consider a new relationship, but only if that person accepts her children and they accept her in return. “For now, my only wish is to continue to be a source of strength and inspiration for my children, while providing them with a home full of love and support,” she concludes.

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