Almost a month ago, a bloody attack caused the death of Goolam Khodabux, 60, during a violent exchange between two gangs at Camp Yoloff. Danté Begué, one of the suspects in this case, was taken prisoner by the Major Crimes Investigation Team (MCIT) on Friday, May 31, at the Central Barracks.

He is the ninth suspect arrested by the MCIT in this case. He was part of the clan of Goolam Khodabux. He participated in the settling of scores between the Khodabux gang and the Bacsoo clan. The origin of this altercation would be a cell phone belonging to a relative of the Bacsoo clan seized by a member of the Khodabux clan. Danté Begué faces a provisional charge of criminal association. He is in police custody.

During a first hearing in the presence of his lawyer, Mᵉ Raouf Gulbul, Danté Begué explained that he fled the roundabout after the attack. “Si mo pa ti sove zot ti pou touy mwa,” he explained to the MCIT sleuths.

On the fateful day, Goolam Khodabux had slapped a young person from the Bacsoo clan, who had come to recover a cell phone which would have been seized by Danté Begué in Karo Kalyptis earlier. The situation had degenerated, because the Bacsoo gang, led by Issa Bacsoo, observed the scene from a distance.

After seeing one of their own being attacked, the Bacsoos arrived in two vehicles. There was an exchange of sword and club blows. The members of Goolam Khodabux's gang, including Danté Begué, were injured and fled. Goolam Khodabux did not survive his injuries. He died on Thursday May 9 after seven days in hospital.

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