• Me Glover argues that his client was never confronted with the conclusions of these reports
  • According to ex-DCP Jangi, Bernard Maigrot was summoned, but did not show up for the exercise

Me Gavin Glover, Senior Counsel and lawyer for Bernard Maigrot, on Monday June 10, 2024, requested that the part of Professor Christian Doutremepuich's testimony, citing his four reports, be excluded as evidence. The prosecution objected and proceeded to a voir dire.

The defense's objection came when reference was made to the reports of Professor Christian Doutremepuich during the latter's testimony by videoconference. In particular those dated July 29, 2010, August 12, 2010, November 15, 2010 and April 1, 2011 respectively. Me Gavin Glover argued that his client had never been confronted with the conclusions of these reports during the police investigation.

Former Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Hemant Jangi was called to the stand during the proceedings. He explained the exchange of correspondence between the police and the office of Bernard Maigrot's lawyer, in February 2022, so that he would appear at the Central Criminal Investigation Department (CCID) for a confrontation with scientific reports. Initially, the date of the summons was February 14, 2022.

Police officers had met Bernard Maigrot, in the Supreme Court and at the Grand-Gaube police station where the latter is required to present himself, as stipulated in one of the conditions attached to his release on bail. These officers had the task of informing him of his summons to the CCID. “I am aware of this letter. I just spoke to my lawyer, he has no problem with that,” the businessman replied to the police.

On several occasions, the convocation date had been extended. In the meantime, Bernard Maigrot's lawyer responded to the police acknowledging receipt of the summons letter. On March 9, 2022, the police reiterated the request to Bernard Maigrot to give him the opportunity to provide an explanation following the exercise to compare the scientific reports.

Former DCP Hemant Jangi maintained that despite all the efforts of the police, Bernard Maigrot did not come to the confrontation exercise. The cross-examination of the witness will continue this Tuesday, June 11, 2024, before Judge Luchmyparsad Aujayeb.

Madhubala Madhub-Dassyne: “A single blood sample from Bernard Maigrot”

The director of the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL), Madhubala Madhub-Dassyne, completed her testimony on Monday June 10, 2024. She stated that only one blood sample was taken from Bernard Maigrot. This sample, according to her, had been sent to Bordeaux on July 23, 2010. She said she did not know whether a report had been written following the cell washing experiment that she had carried out on a sheet in 2011 and what are the conclusions.
According to him, it was the police who gave him the protocol as well as information and some materials for the smooth running of the experiment. She confirmed that the FSL did not obtain Professor Doutremepuich's reports.

Professor Doutremepuich: “It was the then CP who retained the services of my laboratory”

Professor Christian Doutremepuich testified by videoconference on Monday from the Bordeaux Court of Appeal. The biologist appeared in the presence of a deputy prosecutor.

The witness claimed that it was the office of the then Mauritius Police Commissioner, Dhun Iswar Rampersad, who requested the services of his laboratory in this case. This request was made as part of technical cooperation with the French government. The first mission was on May 22, 2009, he said.
Professor Doutremepuich pointed out that in the laboratory, their aim is not to seek to know the matters on which they are researching. “We are biologists and not investigators. We do analyzes and we provide results. Under no circumstances should we have conflicts of interest. We are impartial regarding the case,” explained the witness.

He then explained what DNA is in the human body, but also the purpose of DNA analyses.

Who is Professor Christian Doutremepuich?

Professor Christian Doutremepuich holds three doctorates, notably in pharmacy, medicine and biology. He taught at universities and also worked in hospitals.

He also acted as an expert before French judicial authorities. Additionally, he was required to perform analyzes at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in Quantico.

Since 1996, Professor Christian Doutremepuich has run a laboratory in Bordeaux which specializes in DNA analyses.

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