The trial of Bernard Maigrot at the Assizes was marked by the hearing of the director of the Forensic Science Laboratory, this Wednesday, June 5. Vidhu Madhub-Dassyne elaborated on the various evidence collected at the crime scene.

The representative of the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Me Darshan Gayan, questioned the witness about the various scientific reports that she wrote in the context of this case.

Vidhu Madhub Dassyne also mentioned the fact that part of the evidence collected from the crime scene was sent to England and France for in-depth analysis.

At one point, the representative of the DPP office asked the director of the FSL if she had been called upon to carry out a specific analysis in 2011. She replied in the affirmative, but Me Gavin Glover, who represents the interests of the The accused raised an objection. He made a motion that the findings of this experiment were never communicated to the defense.
Arguments surrounding this motion will take place tomorrow.

Bernard Maigrot has pleaded not guilty to the murder of Vanessa Lagesse. The stylist's body was discovered in her bathtub on March 9, 2001. Injuries were also found on her body.

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