Minister Kavy Ramano has been drawn into a new controversy. His solicitor's office letterhead and seal were used in correspondence dated April 29, 2024. This document concerns the location of land at Queen Victoria in Flacq, owned by a co-operative society.

Detractors circulated this document on social networks, a document which bears the signature of one of his employees at his notary office, signing in his name.

Minister Kavy Ramano issued a press release yesterday, Tuesday June 4, to explain himself. He specifies that he had informed the Association of Notaries upon his appointment as Minister of the Environment that he was no longer practicing as a notary as of that date.

He added in his press release: “No person is authorized to issue documents in my name as a notary.”

Contacted by RadioPlus, the Minister of the Environment remained unreachable. Therefore, it was not possible for us to obtain further details on this matter.

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