Investigators from the Grand-Baie Criminal Investigation Division, led by Inspector Thakoor, incapacitated two thugs who admitted to being the perpetrators of more than a dozen thefts perpetrated on the northern coast. They are Jean Lensley Lindor, aged 32, and her accomplice, Kavish Mudhoo, 33 years old.

They attacked Mauritians and foreigners on vacation in the country. In February, a Czech couple was in Mauritius for vacation. On February 21, husband and wife went to the beach and left their personal belongings on the sand to go swimming. On their return, they were surprised to find that their personal belongings had disappeared. Two backpacks, containing two cell phones, including an iPhone, a wallet containing the sum of Rs 15,000 and their credit cards, among others, were taken.

A Turkish couple who went to the public beach of Grand-Baie on March 7 to swim, experienced the same mishap. When they emerged from the water, they found that their backpack, containing their rental car keys, an iPhone, a designer watch, their clothes and other personal items, was missing.

A Russian was also robbed at the public beach of La Cuvette on February 7 while he was swimming. Her bag, which contained her clothes, watch, sunglasses, iPhone and jewelry, among other things, was taken.

In addition to these crimes committed on the public beach, the Lindor/Mudhoo duo is accused of violent theft. On February 25, shortly before 4 a.m., a Brazilian woman, coming from Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro, was in the parking lot of the public beach of Grand-Baie when a masked individual accosted her before snatching her handbag containing his passport and an iPhone 13 Pro, among other things. The thug got into a car which sped off.

A few days earlier, on the night of February 13, while a 67-year-old South African woman was walking in Péreybère, two individuals snatched her handbag containing her iPhone and other personal effects.
On January 21, around 3:15 a.m., a 21-year-old Dutch student and her 19-year-old friend were attacked in La Cuvette by two individuals. The latter, masked and armed with knives, stole their personal belongings: cell phones, credit cards and car keys, among others.

The two suspects also admitted their participation in other cases of theft. Some of the stolen items have already been recovered by the police. The two men are being held in police custody on a provisional charge of theft.

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