• This situation is closely monitored by the Ministry of Education

In recent weeks, bad weather has forced the Ministry of Education to take measures to ensure the continuity of classes, particularly through online courses. However, it seems that some teachers give their private lessons during time slots reserved for class hours.

Clearly, online courses for middle school students in Grades 9 to 13 in bad weather are struggling to find their place. Since the start of the school year on January 11, students have had 10 days off. If it's not students who are avoiding distance education, it's teachers who are simply not connected. After investigation, it seems that some of them would provide their private lessons during the time slots during which classes should be held. A situation which calls into question the authorities who intend to bring order.

Last week, students had three forced days off due to severe tropical storm Eleanor. According to the protocol of the Ministry of Education, the various educational establishments are closed in the event of a class 2 cyclone alert or when a “safety bulletin” has been issued. When schools are closed due to bad weather – as was the case from Wednesday February 21 to Friday February 23, 2024 – students must log in to follow their classes, according to their schedule. However, not all educators were connected, according to students.

“We waited in vain for the teacher to start class on Wednesday. Throughout the day, I only had three classes,” says Mélanie, who is in Grade 10 at a college in Hautes Plaines-Wilhems. For his part, a teenager from Port-Louis confides: “I made arrangements to attend the class. At first I thought it was a connection problem, but then I realized there was no class.” In a renowned state college, a student even reported a similar case to his rector, who subsequently called the teachers concerned to order.

A rector, who requested anonymity, deplores the attitude of the teachers concerned. “They are asking to be trained to be able to hold classes online. However, when it comes to giving private lessons remotely, they succeed without problem. It’s a parallel school,” he protests, adding that there are also some parents who prefer to pay for private lessons for their children instead of letting them follow online classes.

The Government Secondary School Teachers Union, chaired by Yugeshwur Kisto, the Union of Private Secondary Education Employees and the United Deputy Rectors and Rectors Union condemn the behavior of teachers who prefer to provide private lessons during school hours rather than holding classes online. These unions hope that the Ministry of Education will follow up on this matter. We have learned that this situation is being taken with all the seriousness desired by the Ministry of Education.


In order to ensure the continuity of classes, the Ministry of Education had recalled, from the first days of the start of the school year, the importance of holding classes online, a practice put in place during the Covid pandemic. -19. Two weeks ago, parents were asked to sign forms so their children could take classes online.

In a communication addressed to school heads approximately three weeks ago, the ministry requested that measures be taken from teachers and Supply Teachers to ensure online lessons for students in Grades 9 to 13 (Editor's note: The other middle school students can access courses via the Student Support Program and those for Grades 1 to 9 on MBC channels).

Educators must first establish a database of student identifiers. Once this information is collected, they can deliver their courses online. In accordance with the protocol, educators must keep a register of students and transmit it to their head of department after classes, who will subsequently send it to the rector. The objective of this exercise is to track the number of students connected.

The next step consists of contacting students not present to find out the reasons for their absence and possibly any difficulties encountered. However, it is important to remember that online courses are not available in the event of a level 3 cyclone alert or during the issuance of a security bulletin.

When holding online classes, teachers have the opportunity to choose the platform that suits them best. If the Ministry of Education recommends the use of Office 365, many educators prefer Google Classroom or the Zoom application, the particularity of which is that the session can last 40 minutes. As during a class period which lasts 35 minutes, the teacher has time to hold his class.

Global project in sight

As reported by Le Défi Quotidien in its January 30, 2024 edition, the Minister of Education, Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun, declared that work was underway on a global project concerning the holding of online classes. “When schools close, we have to do classes online,” she said.

The method that will be adopted must be adapted to the needs of educational establishments. Each college will be personally responsible for bringing the project to fruition at its level in order to facilitate the participation of teachers and students. This formula will allow exchanges of information as well as the submission and correction of homework, among other features.

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