In the program “Au Coeur de l’Info” on Tuesday May 28, there was talk of “Public works: its risks and its millions”. How can we ensure that public works meet standards? What control to limit the risks of drains, bridges and infrastructure projects? So many questions addressed by Jean-Luc Émile and his guests.

The PTr deputy, Osman Mahomed, an engineer by training, returned to the collapse of the Ramsahye family house in Tranquebar, caused by the construction of retaining walls along Ruisseau-du-Pouce. He highlighted that this incident could have caused deaths. “I had written a letter to the PPS Mayotte, but it was not taken into consideration. It was obvious that it was dangerous. I then learned that GIBB (Mauritius) Ltd had recommended not to implement the project and to carry out geotechnical studies,” he pointed out.

For him, everything falls under the Ministry of Public Infrastructure. “There are good engineers in the public service. It is deplorable what the ministry has become. If this had happened in Singapore, the minister would have resigned by now. Minister Hurreeram should have resigned. It is clear that the ministry has made a mistake,” he said, arguing that we must “restore the nobility to the ministry’s engineers”.

An infiltration gallery…

Oudesh Bhowon, environmental engineer and hydrogeologist, spoke of the complexity of Port-Louis, particularly for the evacuation of rainwater. “There is limited room for maneuver with excessive pressure on streams and drains,” he explains. According to him, we must evolve and adapt to climate change. He adds: “We remove surface water via drains. It is possible to use an infiltration gallery to evacuate groundwater. This will reduce the pressure on the drains.”

Follow-ups, quality materials

George Brasse of the Contractors' Association explains that the lack of project monitoring is often the cause of problems that arise. It also highlights that the quality of materials is also important in construction. “Some materials, such as those used for backfilling, are not sufficiently reliable. There are different types of cement, but it is not suitable to use the one intended for plastering the structure. The use of quality materials is essential, but their cost is often high,” he declared.

The cost of building the Sainte-Croix sports complex triples

The construction of the Sainte-Croix sports complex on the roof of the Abercrombie fair was also discussed. PPS Subhasnee Luchmun Roy spoke of the difficulties encountered during the work, before ensuring that the project is closely monitored by Ministers Lesjongard and Hurreeram. “The project was to cost Rs 68.7 million, but now with the consolidation work, it costs Rs 174 million,” she explained, before expressing her frustration over the frequent non-compliance with instructions by contractors. .

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