Rumors of unease in the Mauritian Social Democratic Party (PMSD) within the alliance it forms with the Labor Party (PTr) and the Mauritian Militant Movement (MMM), as well as those which imply that There would be a rapprochement between the Blue Party and the MSM which continues to persist, notably on certain Facebook pages close to the government parties. Among the blues, we vehemently deny: “The PMSD does not associate itself with the low-level policy pursued by the government. »

Mandated by the party to put an end to the rumors, Patrice Armance, begins by providing clarifications: “There are false rumors circulated by certain media, mostly close to the regime in place, and other protagonists on social media, based on the fact that the leader of the opposition, Xavier-Luc Duval, is not in the country. He is visiting Great Britain where his mother lives who is unwell. »

The PMSD deputy specifies that it is with force that the PMSD maintains its position within the parliamentary opposition. “We fully assume our role as a member of this alliance. Moreover, the PMSD does not do any favors to any minister, particularly through our parliamentary questions and the Private Notice Questions from the leader of the opposition,” he said.

Patrice Armance also points out that the PMSD is very critical of the way in which the country's affairs are managed by the MSM and its allies. “We will always be there to defend our values, which do not correspond to those of the MSM. Just look at the state of the country, with the increasingly high cost of living, the plummeting economy and the MSM's policy of interference in institutions. The PMSD does not associate itself with this low-level policy,” underlines the Opposition Whip.

He specifies that the PMSD participates fully in the activities of the alliance. Moreover, he said, the next one is scheduled for March 12 on the Caudan Waterfront esplanade as part of Independence Day. “Xavier-Luc Duval, who returns to the country on March 10, will be present there. We are comfortable within the alliance. We contribute our part to the working groups within the framework of the electoral program, during meetings in the constituencies, etc. MPs from different parties work together in constituencies. I can tell you that there is good understanding on the ground. »

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