Since January, the disability pension of a 15-year-old girl, born with only one foot, has been interrupted without notice. Her mother Aneesha approached Social Security, but ran into a bureaucratic wall. Ismael Imrit, Social Security commissioner, admitted a mistake and pledged to help them.

Aneesha has taken steps. She had courage. And she still has it today. This mother is determined to fight for the rights of her 15-year-old daughter who was born with only one foot. The latter had been receiving a disability pension since she was two years old, but the payment was suddenly stopped in January 2024.

It was with the Social Security office in Grand-Baie that the mother took the steps. But she came up against an inflexible bureaucracy. Without this additional income, the family living in Cap-Malheureux finds itself in a precarious financial situation.

In March, a glimmer of hope was born, but it did not last. A sum of money for the pension was paid. Then it was immediately taken back, plunging the family into uncertainty and disarray, even though Aneesha had already taken steps to make a prosthesis for her daughter.

The adolescent's situation is all the more difficult as she must overcome the challenges posed by her disability on a daily basis. She goes to school wearing a sock to compensate for her missing foot, but she has difficulty walking. Despite this, she faces these challenges courageously, thanks to the support of her mother.

a mistake

Why was the payment stopped? Despite her multiple calls to the Rose-Hill Social Security office, Aneesha did not receive a clear answer on the motivations for this unexpected decision. She doesn't understand, especially since the exam that preceded this change was successful. Her frustration was heightened when she discovered that her daughter would have to go back to the Medical Board to have her pension re-awarded.

Ismael Imrit, Social Security commissioner, acknowledged a system error in the teenager's case. He explained that children's disability pension must be reassessed when they reach the age of 15. Which requires a new assessment by the Medical Board. But he also confirmed that the pension had not been approved despite this assessment.

He pledged to help Aneesha get a clear answer on the suspension of pension payments. He also assured that he will closely monitor her file to ensure that she receives the necessary confirmation letter to appeal the Medical Board's decision.

In the meantime, Aneesha is seeking social assistance to support her daughter and provide her with the care she needs to live as normal a life as possible despite her disability.

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