“We have to go up and handle the opposition by the opposition to serve people as politicians”: these are the words of the Prime Minister this Thursday. Pravind Jugnauth responded to a question from the press on the acquittal verdict in favor of the former Minister of Commerce, Yogida Sawmynaden, in the Constituency Clerk affair.

The head of government participated in a compensation payment ceremony to employees of Rose-Belle Sugar Estate Board who opted for the Voluntary Retirement Scheme, in Rose-Belle.

Pravind Jugnauth says he is sad that “the opposition manipulated a poor widow [Simla Kistnen] to make false accusations,” accusations he described as “shaky.”

The head of government made a formal outing against the leader of the Labor Party (PTr), Navin Ramgoolam. Pravind Jugnauth affirms that he will “unmask” the opposition. He also criticized opposition leader Shakeel Mohamed, who will soon be replaced by Arvin Boolell in this position. “More for a prosenn tenor. Mo invite li poz so PNQ,” launched Pravind Jugnauth.

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