The Opposition Leader's Private Notice Question (PNQ) has been rejected by the Speaker's office. He is being criticised for having multiple questions in his PNQ, which focuses on businessman Vinash Gopee, which is not permitted under the Standing Orders.

Speaking to the press this Friday afternoon, July 5, Arvin Boolell spoke of “bad faith.”

This PNQ was to be addressed to the Prime Minister this Friday afternoon, July 5. Arvin Boolell wanted to obtain information concerning the businessman and entrepreneur Avinash Gopee, considered close to the government.

Arvin Boolell had planned to ask Pravind Jugnauth to compile information from all ministries, parastatal organizations and government-controlled companies from 2015 to date on:

– All plots of land sold or leased to this businessman and his related companies.

– All rents paid to him or his companies.

– The appointments he has obtained and the amounts of the related expenses.

Finally, Arvin Boolell had planned to ask the Prime Minister to disclose all contracts worth more than Rs 80 million awarded to businessman Avinash Gopee or his related companies.

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