• MP faces allegations in connection with real estate transactions

New Democrats MP Richard Duval, who resigned from the PMSD on April 16, is the subject of a preliminary investigation by the Financial Crimes Commission (FCC). This follows a denunciation made during the month of May by a person who identified himself to the body. It appears that these allegations are linked to real estate transactions abroad.

On May 28, the whistleblower was informed by official letter from the FCC that the latter had decided to open a preliminary investigation. From this date, she gives herself 30 days to analyze the data and other elements.

At the end of these 30 days, the director of the investigation department of the commission will refer his recommendations to the FCC board. This will decide whether to initiate a “further investigation” or if, for lack of evidence, the investigation must be terminated, as stipulated in the FCC Act. If the FCC decides to move on to the “further investigation” stage, we should expect a summons from Richard Duval to the FCC headquarters in Réduit.

Since his departure from the PMSD, Richard Duval seems to have become a favored target of the government. During the parliamentary session of May 14, Richard Duval was the subject of a parliamentary question from MSM MP Ashley Ittoo. The first, asked of Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth, related to his relations with Cindy Legallant who had been arrested in 2008 for trafficking Subutex.

The second time Richard Duval's name was mentioned in Parliament was on May 21, in relation to access requested and obtained by Richard Duval before 2015 for Cindy Legallant at the La Terrasse lounge at SSR airport.

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