Since the guilty verdict for the murder of fashion designer Vanessa Lagesse, pronounced against him on Thursday evening, the life of Bernard Maigrot has been reduced to the cold walls and strict routines of the New Wing Prison of Beau-Bassin. Friday morning, we learn, he was admitted to the infirmary of the penitentiary center. He is said to be suffering from heart problems.

According to our sources based at the Beau-Bassin central prison, he is not wearing the inmate uniform, because his sentence has not yet been pronounced by the Assize Court. But behind this apparent normality lies uncertainty: will he be transferred to Eastern High Security Prison in Melrose, this high-security fortress, because of the seriousness of the crime of which he was convicted? Or will he serve his sentence in Richelieu, an open prison where the shadow of freedom seems more tangible?

“It all depends on the sentence. If Bernard Maigrot receives a heavy prison sentence, he will be incarcerated in Melrose prison, then in the open prison of Richelieu. On the other hand, if he is sentenced to a less severe sentence, he could be transferred to Richelieu because of his age,” we understand.

Jagadisen Rungadoo, the Deputy Commissioner of Prisons, who is acting commissioner of prisons, insists on fair treatment. “There will be no favor, no privilege. Bernard Maigrot will be treated like any prisoner. Just like it was for former minister Siddick Chady,” he says. Bernard Maigrot will, however, have the opportunity to do prison chores (washing the floor, laundry and dishes, among others) in order to benefit from earned remissions. What about the meal? “The meal is the same for all prisoners, either flute or homemade bread, rice, dry grain broth, lalo tuft, calabash tuft or margoze pickle, among others. Nothing more. »

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