QuestionsAccommodation-HotelsDoes anyone know if there is building work going on next to Sands Suites and Spa Tamarin?
Anonymous asked 8 months ago

Does anyone know if there is building work going on next to Sands Suites and Spa Tamarin as there is a big plot of land behind the hotel looks like a building site?

Jan Allen answered 8 months ago

Yes there is building work going on. We were there 3 weeks ago and construction work was taking place. We were in the building in front, room 311 and it didn’t disturb us. However if you were further round that block it may have caused some noise. That said, I didn’t hear any complaints as it was behind the block and wasn’t excessive. Didn’t really notice it much when on our balcony. If concerned ask to go in the other block – opposite side of the bar and restaurant – so block on the left of reception.

Sarah Lake answered 8 months ago

I think it’s the bit of land in between Maradiva and sands, they are building residences? Maybe this is what you can see.

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