QuestionsAccommodation-HotelsShandrani Beachcomber resort
Anonymous asked 5 months ago

Has anybody been to Shandrani Beachcomber resort on the south coast?

Pieter Bàkkes answered 5 months ago

Jip. Very nice

Thea Elizabeth Coetsee answered 5 months ago

Yes…twice before. Recently a month ago. Very nice place

Joanne Staniland answered 5 months ago

Yes 2 years ago.. I loved it especially the wild beach and activities

Jessy Lochun answered 5 months ago

Yes the beach is incredible

Rupal Vasani answered 5 months ago

Yes about a month ago. Great place especially family with young kids

Nicola Gibson answered 5 months ago

Heading there tomorrow as we fly tonight!! X

Rosie Ball answered 5 months ago

Yes got married there, stunning beach

Fahreen Kristiansen answered 5 months ago

Wonderful resort

Melanie Bronkhorst Steyn answered 5 months ago

Multiple times and love it! Will always return.

Claire Hayes answered 5 months ago

👍 twice it’s amazing 🤩

Suvianna Hakalehto answered 5 months ago

Will be staying in Shandrani for 6th time soon! It is perfect! A paradise!

Lee-Ann Harmse answered 5 months ago

Been there 3 times and will go back again!!! Loved the 3 beaches and the food is just tops 👌 You cant go wrong

Christine Tuccinardi answered 5 months ago

Wonderful resort i come 6

Jacky Leafin answered 5 months ago

beautiful resort, great place

Salomé Faria answered 5 months ago

Super mice, snorkeling amazing, boat trip to Île aux Cerfs,..

Gabi Selinger answered 5 months ago

Beautiful and nice. Shandrani is the best for perfect holidays.

Vicky Barker answered 5 months ago

I’m staying here when I go and can’t wait. I keep an eye on this page often and it’s rarely mentioned

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