QuestionsAccommodation-HotelsConstance Belle Mare
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
Has anyone stayed at the Constance Belle Mare In Mauritius? We’re staying in June and wanted peoples reviews of the hotel!

Anju Ruby answered 7 months ago

Hello..Its the best choice..stayed there and also worked there..every moment will be a memory cherished for life..feel free to ask for any questions..ill be happy to help

Jessy Lochun answered 7 months ago

Super hôtel but just the cocktails terrible but very good choice

Jayne Dickinson answered 7 months ago

I am here now, 4th time. It is truly amazing. Great food, service. Lots of water sports/activities and entertainment . Beautiful beach … Perfection so far

Jane Balmer answered 7 months ago

I’ve stayed many many times in Mauritius ‘winter’ at Constance Belle Mare Plage, occasionally there has been rain and a breeze, it isn’t a strong gust of wind. The beach is perfect and the hotel fantastic. Would strongly recommend 🌴

Carolyn Parkinson answered 7 months ago

Stayed at the Constance in the Seychelles which was very good so I imagine it will be a good choice

Alex Shelton answered 7 months ago

Been twice one of my favourite hotels on the island having toured the islands visiting many. Only concern is that time of year could be a little windy albeit it does have some shelter in the bay it is in

Navin Navin answered 7 months ago

the best

Krystyna Veerasamy answered 7 months ago

Stayed once and loved it – good beach!

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    Mauritius is believed to be the only known habitat of the now extinct flightless Dodo bird. The bird, once present in huge numbers on the island, was flightless owing to a shortage of predators and thus remained safe on the ground. The arrival of humans in the form of sailors saw vast numbers of dodos being killed for their meat. With humans came rodents and primates who destroyed and consumed the dodo's eggs. The entire dodo population was wiped out within a century.
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