QuestionsAccommodation-HotelsHas anyone done a twin stay in Mauritius? Two different hotels?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago

Has anyone done a twin stay in Mauritius (I.e. 10 days/ 2 weeks split over two different hotels)? If so, did you organise it through a travel agent or did you do the bookings yourself?

Corinna Ozturk answered 7 months ago

All the main operators offer 2 centres

Christa Vanhecke answered 7 months ago

I booked three diffirent hotels, by myself. Also booked the filght online.

Joachim Brandqvist answered 7 months ago

Done it. Booked directly with the hotel online. Most of the major hotels has a chat service of you have any questions. Its also the cheapest way to go. We book the flights directly with Lufthansa and flying out of Copenhagen connections in Zurich or Frankfurt.

Carolyn Parkinson answered 7 months ago

Yep 7 nights Royal Palm Beachcomber Luxury in Grand Baise then 8 nights Dinarobin Beachcomber Golf Resort & Spa in Le Morne

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