QuestionsAccommodation-HotelsVictoria Beachcomber
Anonymous asked 11 months ago

I need assistance with booking a resort for next November, specifically Victoria Beachcomber. However, it is quite expensive. I would appreciate reviews from anyone who has stayed at Long Beach resort or Ambre. Thank you.

Carol Brookes answered 11 months ago

Weve booked ambre

Sarah Booth answered 11 months ago

We had our honeymoon at long beach at the beginning of August and loved it. Beautiful resort and the people where amazing.

Helen Kelly answered 11 months ago

Good food
Smallish older rooms
Great swimming

Razia Peerally answered 11 months ago

Been to all 3 you mentioned but Beachcomber service are far better.
My grandma always said cheaper things cost you more?

As from october all hotels prices will be high as it the beginning of hot season.

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