QuestionsAccommodation-HotelsIs it forbidden to set up your own parasol on the beach in front of the hotels?
Anonymous asked 8 months ago

Hi! Is it really forbidden to set up your own parasol on the beach in front of the hotels? Yesterday we were driven away by a guard at Trou-aux-Biches.
You can lie there but not use a parasol, he said🙄

Caro Mau answered 8 months ago

The beach is public up to the highest tide. If you have put your umbrella where it is private, yes they can ask you to remove it

Tax Xax answered 8 months ago

Mauritius is a paradise island….with law and order

Ashvin Jeebun answered 8 months ago

Dont do it. It makes hotel staff confuse when serving their client who paid full service which means every food and drinks free. Waiter will have to bear the cost if they give wrongly free drinks to non hotel members. This is why they dont allow outsiders to be part of hotels. Some waiter are shy and does not ask before giving free drinks

Martin Beffert - Mauritius answered 8 months ago

Yes it is! All you can do is walk through and swim!

Avisen Chinapiel answered 8 months ago

As long you are on the public part of the beach it shouldn’t be an issue 🙂

Matar Dev answered 8 months ago

Yes it reserve for the hotel clients you can place it near

Nick Sexstone answered 8 months ago

If u put up your parasol on the beach in front of hotel below high water mark u can if the hotel doesn’t like it then it’s there problem a few years ago hotels tried to encroach on to the beach but had u draw back behind highwater mark

Dave Light answered 8 months ago

Bottom line is all beaches in Mauritius belong to the People. If you put up your Umbrella below the highest point of water mark then they cannot ask you to move. Tell them to call the police and the coast guard.

Shabinaz Dookhun answered 8 months ago

Shahina Lalloo Na Bilah Yaseen Oozeer Noush Angelo Taxi M Jehad Maderbocus ..

Patricia Prepok answered 8 months ago

These guards get rather rude it’s a public beach put your umbrella up!

Sham Jeetoo answered 8 months ago

Now imagine what treatment is in reserve for locals.

Mark Russell answered 8 months ago

There is not a problem with this 😡
As has been said many times on here upto the high tide mark (end of sand) all beaches are public! Any problems, just call the police 👮‍♀️ see what the hotel does then! They are acting illegally and often use threatening behaviour!
Keep all our beaches 🏝️public for everyone to enjoy 👍

Nilesh D Aubeelauck answered 8 months ago

You can set your parasol up till to the high tide water mark. Beyond that, it may not be permissible by law.

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