QuestionsAccommodation-HotelsNeed one-room rental in Mauritius for two months
Anonymous asked 2 months ago

I am in need of a one-room rental for a two-month training in Mauritius. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Pascaline Rambert de Cambiaire answered 2 months ago

Cosy Mango

Aar Na answered 2 months ago


Arvind Pem answered 2 months ago

Which region ?

Abiki-Mauritius Sara Donati Ng answered 2 months ago

Good morning, which period please? We’re to Albion . If you’re interested you can write me. You can find more info on our web site

Tecsla Home Immobillier answered 2 months ago


Hans seegobin answered 2 months ago

i have 1 bedroom apartment in the district of moka

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    Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam, also referred to as Chacha is to Mauritians what Mahatma Gandhi is to Indians. He played a vital role in Mauritius' freedom struggle. He also established free education, health care service, social security and introduced the old age pension. He is often referred to as Father of the nation.
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