QuestionsFood-RestaurantsAnyone drink Yerba Mate here on the island?
MrPekko asked 7 months ago

I am aware that it is not a part of Mauritian culture. I am curious if anyone drinks it here and where you get your Yerba. Is it allowed to be shipped here by customs, or are there any restrictions? I was able to obtain the gourd and a few packets of Yerba from a relative a few months back, but since I know I will run out of stock one day, I should start looking for it now. But the only legitimate source I can think of is Amazon or some international seller's website but I'm not sure they ship it directly to here and if they do, it have a hefty price on international shipping for a packet of 10$. If you or anyone else drinks it, let me know where you buy your stock from. Thanks.

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