QuestionsFood-RestaurantsAre there any ways of having Mine Apollo delivered to the US?
Alternative-Carpet52 asked 8 months ago

I checked up online and I saw that Mine Apollo only ships to the UK internationally. Has anyone ordered Mine Apollo from the US before or has anyone ever sent Mine Apollo from Mauritius to the US?

magicalzidane answered 8 months ago

Is there a demand for it actually? Or just a one off

Sea-Document-9676 answered 8 months ago

Can help you by shipping some but i believe the shipping cost will be high.

5onOfSparda answered 8 months ago

The only way i can think of is having relatives send it via post

marchmadness3 answered 8 months ago

Get a family member to send you only the seasoning packets. Find a worthy replacement for the noodles in the US itself. Wasteful? Yes. But if someone can find some use for the loose noodles, all the better.

That’s how I did it while in Australia.

Angrybird2025 answered 8 months ago

You have to contact FedEx or DHL and ask for more information. I agree with you totally that Apollo noodles are second to none in the noodle industry and whatever shipping is worth it

Wppit answered 8 months ago

This won’t help you, but it’s not just uk. Carrefour in France has all existing flavors.

Beemanirl answered 8 months ago

I think the only option is to have someone ship it to you. But living aboard i found this one which is decent and quite similar:

Brooklyn7011 answered 8 months ago

There is actually a shop in the UK. No idea if it delivers to the US:

ProfessionalSmoke331 answered 8 months ago

have a shop here in ireland can help you !

Classic-Pressure-531 answered 8 months ago

Hi, Theres is a filipino asian mart next to me in New Jersey. They only have curry flavored.

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