QuestionsFood-RestaurantsBanane frire, du pain et ene bon du thé élaïti…
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
Banane frire, du pain et ene bon du thé élaïti...

Patrick Tielemans answered 7 months ago

Bon appétit

Salim Kristna answered 7 months ago

Hmmm lontemp mo pa mange sa capav gain n morso svp

Louis Johan answered 7 months ago

Yummy.. top net. Bon appetit

Hazmay Toorabally answered 7 months ago

My late mum did this for Sehri too. Memories

Kaviraj Chatun answered 7 months ago

Super top chef

Adilah Bauluck Nazir answered 7 months ago

Paret bon

Sabeer Dowlut answered 7 months ago

I still have fried banana with bread like my grandad used to and a hot cuppa.

Zoub Gobu answered 7 months ago

Top net sa. Mo sehri preferrer ziska lheur. Good memories dr. ❤

Miahn Oobah answered 7 months ago

Banane écrasé… trop top sa. Ti p fr sa kan banane ti tro mûr et osi met imP cardamome en poudre

Bibi Aliyah answered 7 months ago

Brings back memories from my childhood,mum used to do that for sehri 🥲🥲

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