QuestionsFood-RestaurantsBoulette poisson
Anonymous asked 8 months ago
My first trial trying to make boulette poisson. Bon appétit.

Pharwise Noormahomed answered 8 months ago

Recipe please

Shaba Naaz answered 8 months ago

Howww explai. Plz

Husnah Bibi answered 8 months ago

Tarrr paret top net

Kirti D Shimmer answered 8 months ago

Recipe pls

Wesley Julie Omr answered 8 months ago

Recette svp 👏

Cheryle-Anne Arthemidor answered 8 months ago

Well done.
Never tried to do these.
Your 1st try is a master try.

Vany Peri Jhum answered 8 months ago

Re7 please

Marie Mitchou Ichbiah answered 8 months ago

Bon appétit.

Vidya Keenoo Gappy answered 8 months ago

Recet please

Sharmila Dookhy answered 8 months ago

May I have the recipe please

Blacky Mac Kay answered 8 months ago

Yummy yummy

Celestin Daphne answered 8 months ago

Paret bon net sa kav geg recette svp

Sweeti Jeebun answered 8 months ago

Recipe plz

Angelle Golding answered 8 months ago

Looks delicious 😋

Shaba Naaz answered 8 months ago

Recette svp

Kiran Meetoo answered 8 months ago

Re7 please 🙏

Prema Thumadoo answered 8 months ago

That looks delicious 😋

Ashil Somaroo answered 8 months ago

That looks delicious 😋 recette plz

Nasferoz Jahoor answered 8 months ago

Yummy recipe pls

Maurine Justina Andirayanin answered 8 months ago

Hey look delicious! Ou vous avez acheter la pâte pour préparer les boulettes ?

Jocelyne Jupin answered 8 months ago

Looks delicious 😋

Kalpana Seetul answered 8 months ago

Recipe please

Martine Celine Anthony answered 8 months ago

Pascal Enzo

Archana Sapna Mahadew answered 8 months ago

Dashvin Paupiah

Sunita Ramoo answered 8 months ago

Looks really good!bravo 👏👏

Lackveer Ramsahye answered 8 months ago

AR Donzai

Lorna DT answered 8 months ago

Recette svp

Pallahvi Buchoo Malhotra answered 8 months ago

Recipe please!!!!!!!

Prema Thumadoo answered 8 months ago

Recette plz

Ma Fiana answered 8 months ago

Recette svp

Gsaralove Gobin answered 8 months ago

Bravo love u 😍 💋😘♥️♥️

Elo Elo answered 8 months ago

Looks delicious 😋

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