QuestionsFood-RestaurantsButter chicken masala, salade de concombre et fruits comme déssert
Anonymous asked 7 months ago

Assalamoualeikum, Namaskar, Bonjour toute la famille d'Official Mauritius.
Menu pour un lundi :
Butter chicken masala, salade de concombre 🥒 préparé par le fiston Aadil et fruits comme déssert.
Bon appétit à tous et bonne journée.

Gunness Rmdwr answered 7 months ago

on appetites

Sadnah Ramsurn answered 7 months ago

Please Mme send me the recipe
Ii know you do the tastiest food❤️

Kaviraj Chatun answered 7 months ago


Ebube Mark answered 7 months ago


Chenoah Zhara answered 7 months ago

Looks delicious 😋

Vimla Appadu answered 7 months ago

So yummy

Meera Samjawon answered 7 months ago

This menu prepared by your son Aadil is looking so delicious . You have trained him very well Nirmala .Well done to him Xxx

Farhanaaz T. Subdurally answered 7 months ago

Recipe for butter chicken plz? Thnks

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