QuestionsFood-RestaurantsCari bringel et crevette
Anonymous asked 3 months ago

Diné zordi cest cari brinzel et crevette. In manz r rotis.

Satish Lachman answered 3 months ago

Accompanied with Spaghetti…😋😋😋

Vinoda Appasawmy answered 3 months ago

That looks delicious 😋

Sab Reena Korimdun answered 3 months ago

Top menu 😋🥰

PreMila Girdhari answered 3 months ago

Delicious 😋

Manu Guness answered 3 months ago

Super look delicious enjoy dear

Micheline Maissin Clark Leveque answered 3 months ago

Sa ki bon sa 😋😋😋

Nazia Ghooray answered 3 months ago

Delicious 😋

Lyn Laroche answered 3 months ago


Roopesh Kumar Madhoo answered 3 months ago


Nalini Murden answered 3 months ago

Looks delicious 😋

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