QuestionsFood-RestaurantsRhum taste at distillery
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
Hi have question we tried the Rhum today at a distillery in the hills. When we had rum in Guadeloupe you can taste the Sugar cane juice really strong . We couldn't today is this the difference between Mauritius and Guadeloupe Rhum . Or should I taste the grass taste

Shivam Neerputh answered 7 months ago

they are distilled differently.

if im not mistaken, making ‘artisanal’ rhum has been banned here. it was called ‘ti lambic’ and was high in alcohol content.

rhum made ‘industrially’ for general consumption may not have that natural taste you are looking for.

you can try La Rhumerie de Chamarel if you want to try rhum made in ‘non-industrial’ ways.

Guus Giesbergen answered 7 months ago

I wish to see the process of making rum in its most natural state. Any suggestions ?

Ian Button answered 7 months ago

you can try La Rhumerie de Chamarel if you want to try rhum made in ‘non-industrial’ ways. Beautiful place

Karen Trethewey Gee answered 7 months ago

I think the difference you are referring to is rhum agricole ( Guadeloupe ) and rum made from Demerara sugar directly from the sugar cane .
Thé agricole has got a very distinctive taste that you are referring to and comes from sugar cane juice.

Khyrah Takooree answered 7 months ago

french recipe

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