QuestionsFood-RestaurantsWe want to eat lots of local food…
Anonymous asked 6 months ago
My daughter and I are going to trace my father’s roots in April. We want to eat lots of local food, are there food vans and vendors in flux en flac, Le Monde and Trou au briches? And besides briyani what else can we expect to enjoy? Thanks

Madina Delights answered 6 months ago

some local foods:
Dholl puri/ faratha
Du pain gato piment for breakfast
Alouda Pillay (Central Market plouis)
Riz frite/ mine frite/ mine bouille

Paula Raheem answered 6 months ago

Salt fish Poisson sale curry,
thon salade with baguette
Paneer masala
bouillon cresson

Melissa Rampersand answered 6 months ago

dhall puri and gateaux piment

Marie Anique Oozageer answered 6 months ago

You can get food truck on the beach at Flic en Flac I don’t know about Le Morne and Trou aux biches as I didn’t get a chance to check these beaches, but usually most of the public beaches you can find them.

Martin Vincent answered 6 months ago

Try a street food tour in Port Louis? I did one two days ago, lots of quick eats and a guide to the capitals history and buildings.

Fareed Mohanut answered 6 months ago

There is too much food on the road side you wont be disappointed for sure

Yvan Chaumin answered 6 months ago


All the tropical fruits, dhall puri, gateaux piment, Roti etc 😋

Theresa Karuthasami answered 6 months ago

Lots of food in flic en Flac. Mine bouille, mine frite, boulette, fruit with chilli. Coconut, roti, dhall puri. So wish I was still there. You won’t be disappointed

Janice Huet answered 6 months ago

Book a meal with local family.

Gary Burton answered 6 months ago

I as you, have roots from there. Make sure to visit family there, if known to you. Food and feeding people seems to be a way of life. Mauritian people love to entertain and welcome people. Family and religion, go hand in hand.

Denise Mccaughran answered 6 months ago

I just come back from flic en flacq there is plenty of food truck who sell noodles rice etc and cheap restaurant along the beach enjoy

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