QuestionsFood-RestaurantsPoisson frire, gratin giromon, roti poule, satini pomme d’amour, salade lettue
Anonymous asked 7 months ago

Gajak .. 😅
Poisson frire
Gratin giromon
Roti poule
Satini pomme damour
Salade lettue

Marie Noelle Celerine answered 7 months ago

Bizin ene baguette et nous Goodwill 🥃

Nataly Domingo answered 7 months ago

Ene zoli assiette. Bon appétit.

Bobby Romans Sanyasi answered 7 months ago

Ola hho ala ou la sa ban menu la mem mo cntn mwa doh super sa topo net ankor enjoy your foodoh tamam mam yam yam. NITE NITE. GOD BLESS YOU

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