QuestionsFood-RestaurantsPoulet et pomme de terre au four, salade mixte
Anonymous asked 4 months ago

Poulet et pomme de terre au four, salade mixte (chou blanc, chou rouge, carotte, betterave, poire) + sauce vinaigrette miel moutarde. Bon appétit 😊

Ncy Xtine answered 4 months ago

Nathalie Dache t’es un ange, jai essaye tes recettes. Top net sa

Dama Dhunnookchand answered 4 months ago

Yummy meal! 😋🌹

Jayshri-Suresh Annia answered 4 months ago

Looks delicious 😋

Christianne Simeon answered 4 months ago

Well done!!

Patrick Uranie answered 4 months ago

Looks delicious 😋 Bonappettie

Rajesthree Maligaye Ramen answered 4 months ago

Bon appétit 😋

Kaviraj Chatun answered 4 months ago

Top chef

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