QuestionsFood-RestaurantsRecommendations for the best restaurants in or near Flic en Flac
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
Recommendations for the best restaurants in or near Flic en Flac, thank you!

Kim Spence answered 7 months ago


Theresa Quinn answered 7 months ago

Bougainville, marmite, rib n reef, king snack, Zub express, and lots of others.

Tina Gooranah answered 7 months ago

There are many in F&F, try them all. There’s something for all budgets and taste.

Nadine Peterson answered 7 months ago

Les Bougainville

Prem Chetan Gopall answered 7 months ago

Zub Express

Jack Klitgaard answered 7 months ago

Watch out if your ordering wagyu grade A6.

David Rosemain answered 7 months ago

Domaine anna

Satish Ramiah answered 7 months ago

Domaine Anna

Sylvie Pernot answered 7 months ago

Domaine anna. Twins garden. Chez pépé

Barbara Ber answered 7 months ago

Salt&Lemon Restaurant

Valérie MB answered 7 months ago

Salt&Lemon next to Kenzibar

Pink's Sweets answered 7 months ago

Domaine Anna

Sourayya Os answered 7 months ago

Ocean- great Chinese food

Marilyn Olaussen answered 7 months ago

Domaine Anna

Nathalie LEtang answered 7 months ago

If you want something a bit different try canne a Sucre. Need to book though.

Michaela Koch answered 7 months ago

Rib & Reef

Assad Rossan answered 7 months ago

In terms of 100% Quality, Good ambience, and 100% Hygienic, I would definitely recommend Zub Express!!

La Margaret answered 7 months ago

Ginger Thai at Hilton Mauritius just recently relaunched for amazing Thai food 🤗

Jacques Hector answered 7 months ago

@Le Bougainville

Ewa Ratajczyk answered 7 months ago

Domaine Anna 👍

Vina Gukhool answered 7 months ago


Hazel Marie Taylor answered 7 months ago

Thank you so much everyone We went to Marmite and it was very delicious, service was a bit slow but it was very busy. Lovely people. We will try the others soon

Pamela Madley answered 7 months ago

Domain Anna

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