QuestionsFood-RestaurantsSalade sardine
Anonymous asked 6 months ago

Coucou vous autres
Qui dit cyclone dit salade sardines

Tazkiya Khodabux answered 6 months ago

1 ti bout baguet pane rester.

Kistnen Guddoy Marie-Paulette answered 6 months ago

Bon appétit 😋

Jess Sweetbaby answered 6 months ago

Avec so ti pima

Han Sa answered 6 months ago

Ya Gros pois pm d ter masala. Salad sardine Pima confi. Roti

Fareed Kurreembokus answered 6 months ago

Ah oui sa extra bon avec ene baget

Marjorie Nombro answered 6 months ago

Trop bon sa

Samiirah Mi answered 6 months ago

Moi g manger salad thon😂

Renee Rabaud Beesoon answered 6 months ago


Barbie Rose answered 6 months ago

Coca glacée

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