QuestionsFood-RestaurantsVermicelli Pudding Recipe
Anonymous asked 6 months ago

My Vermicelli Pudding

• Ingredients and steps

300g of roasted vermicelli
4 tbsp of ghee
4 tbsp of raisins
3 tbsp of almond flakes
2 cinnamon sticks
1 cup of refined sugar
1000 ml of water
2 tbsp of saffron water
9 cardamoms
Desiccated coconut powder

In a non stick recipient, add the Ghee. Once melted add the raisins, almond flakes, cinnamon sticks and cardamoms.
After 2-3 minutes, add the water and the saffron water.
Once it starts boiling, add the sugar and let it dissolves.
Add the vermicelli.
Keep storing till the water is fully absorbed.
Grease a square moule. Pour the vermicelli and let set for 4 hours.
Garnish with the coconut powder before serving.

Tejh Jooty answered 6 months ago

Ket Choolun Parwez Sanhamut

Anurada Jaggessur answered 6 months ago

Thnx for sharing

Thanaletchumi Alagappan answered 6 months ago

That looks yummy

Mudhoo Sita answered 6 months ago

Uummm tro bon sa

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