QuestionsFood-RestaurantsWhere can I find an American restaurant in Mauritius?
Anonymous asked 4 months ago
Where can I find an American restaurant in Mauritius?

Rose Anton-Sattel answered 4 months ago

Mc Donald 😀😀

Gavin Minkley answered 4 months ago

In America 🇺🇸

Maurice Jeevanji answered 4 months ago

In America 🍔

Chad Gustafson answered 4 months ago

Like bbq or something? What kind of American for are you looking for?

Anas Moossa answered 4 months ago

American style burgers @ Samasher. They have an outlet in Port Louis and Tamarin.


Port Louis

Reknazbee Abbas Mamode answered 4 months ago

orchard aussi je pense y a depuis longtemps … si C steak y a Spur bagatelle aussi

Mandy Williams answered 4 months ago

If it is a good burger you looking for try Eden Beach in Grand Baie

Mohammad Tanweer answered 4 months ago

Ofc In America 🇺🇸

Loris Gamba answered 4 months ago

There is a town called Vacoas that we believe is New York.
There you can find all americans, even politicians.

Shax Aubeeluck answered 4 months ago

What does an American restaurant serve?

Sarah Lake answered 4 months ago

Old brothers in Tamarin

Steve Owbridge answered 4 months ago

One of the great things about this island is the diversity of culture and acceptance. You can find all kinds of foods here. (Although some people feel you should only ever eat local food according the comments in this group) but eat what you want, and where you want to make your experience here, either on holiday, or as a resident a really great one ☺️

Irovini Muni answered 4 months ago

Not in Mauritius

Clairette Ng answered 4 months ago

Sebs Kitchen in Grand Bay..Subway at La Croisette GB

Darkman Fl answered 4 months ago

Beach bar in grand baie, pretty American menu.

Farz An Garcia answered 4 months ago

A trou aux biche un restaurant intercontinental avant le debarcadeur

Shakinah Zay Ramjane answered 4 months ago

Try Gourmet Avenue for burgers and steak.

Mandy Noel answered 4 months ago

Try America!

Ambreen Nabeebux answered 4 months ago

I don’t think that you’ll find any locally. You might have some regular fast food outlets that offer american kind of food. But the taste, make and atmosphere will be different. Even the portions that they serve will appear ridiculously minimalist. Please do share contacts if you manage to find an authentic one. Else, you might visit Mugg and Bean located at Bagatelle.

Riaz Mohammud Nassurally answered 4 months ago

@Javed Vayid The irish Pub😍 A blend of American & #Mauritian = #Cosmopolitaine

Monica Goldstone answered 4 months ago

Mac Donalds

Matar Dev answered 4 months ago

In America

Nigel Heyes answered 4 months ago

Any one of 52 states… local. Great food available. 😳🤪

Matthew Collier answered 4 months ago

There are quite a few McDonalds, Burger Kings and KFCs around the island.

Anna Bella answered 4 months ago

Pack your burgers and steaks for us too. Yeah

Sabrina Stolfi-Bühler answered 4 months ago

In the Malls or near the Malls (KFC, Mc, Burer King) 🤗

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