QuestionsGeneral-MiscBest Health Insurance for an individual coming to MRU on a Premium Visa
PAO_Warrior asked 1 year ago

If possible, please provide information on insurance companies and their associated costs.

jeyoung answered 1 year ago

I can’t help you with local insurers, but there are previous threads on this topic.

Given that you’re coming on a Premium visa, which is valid for only one year, shouldn’t you consider this as a long trip and take travel insurance from your home country? That would cover much more than just medical needs; it would also cover loss of property and, perhaps most importantly, repatriation costs should something bad happen to* you.

Opiumater answered 1 year ago

Swan is number one.

John_Popel answered 1 year ago

The major drawback of local health insurance (e.g SWAN) that they cover instant payments only for “disasters”. Ig you need a doctor or surgery, via the best Mauritian local insurance, you will need to wait 3-6months before visiting one via the insurance. And if you visit him or make a surgery faster – they won’t reimburse. Combine that with cheep (for the US/EU) prices for medical services. Thus, imho, it does’t worth for an expats to have local insurance.

TimB0007 answered 1 year ago

Hey dude, so how did your application for premium visa go?
I am planning to apply. What did you do for housing ?

Also what about round trip plane ticket 😀 ?


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