QuestionsGeneral-MiscCan I bring 2 phones that I’ll gift to my relatives?
Mission_Okra_2176 asked 8 months ago

Hello, I am travelling to Mauritius soon and I was wondering if I can bring in 2 phones that I'll gift to my relatives? If yes, will I be able to put them both in my carry on or should I put it in my checked baggage?

ajaxsirius answered 8 months ago

Basically what you want to watch out for is customs thinking you’re going to sell items.

Bringing one or two boxed, sealed unopened phones should be fine. However, if possible, I’d recommend opening the boxes and removing the phones. Carry the phones with you in your carry on (you can slip them into some socks to prevent accidental scratches) and leave the boxes in your suitcase.

When you reach Mauritius put the phones back into the boxes. You can then either tell your relative why you opened them, i’m sure they’ll understand, or gift wrap the boxes.

No_Plane_7142 answered 8 months ago

I don’t think there’s any problem in bringing two phones. That being said, as a Mauritian traveller, you have an allowance of Rs15000.

If you get checked by Customs, they will try to assess the value of everything you are bringing to Mauritius, ( mostly tech stuff) and if it exceeds Rs15000 in their opinion, they will make you pay taxes on the rest

Example: Value of two phones= Rs20000
Taxes will be by calculated on = ( 20000 – 15000)

MrPekko answered 8 months ago

Should be fine, but I would break the seal on the phone box and maybe just take it out and separate it from the box.

Few_Award6146 answered 8 months ago

Ensure rhey are not country locked.

TechNick1-1 answered 8 months ago

Be aware if you´ll bring Samsung Phones that you´ll have to put a Sim Card in it and make Calls for 5 Minutes in the Country they are from. After this you can use them in Mauritius!

Shawnnnny220 answered 8 months ago

If you bring a third one, then you will end up paying for phone importation. If you have three then you pay the equivalent of five in term of taxes.

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