QuestionsGeneral-MiscI love this website but some comments can be very rude sometimes…
Anonymous asked 8 months ago

Can I just say that I love this website and also had some really good advice from it. However there are some people I find on this group just here to comment unnecessarily and be unhelpful with their answers. I have also found a lot of people who are very rude with their answers. There is just no need for it. If you haven’t got anything nice to say or your not contributing in a positive way please refrain yourself from answering or commenting. We are all here to praise this beautiful island and help others if we can. There is absolutely no need for hurtful or nasty comments. ❤️

Nigel Heyes answered 8 months ago

Really good site. I’ve found some great, mostly honest comments on here. Not always tactful and heaping praise, but do offer great information and advice. Best to just say it as it is. 👍🥂🍾

Christine Mandl answered 8 months ago


Quirin Lindmay answered 8 months ago

You’re totally right

Gerard Peka answered 8 months ago

I agree! The questions and queries are genuine! People are spending a small fortune to be able to come to Mauritius for their holidays and they often ask questions very relevant to what they need for their stay on the island! It is the holiday of a lifetime for many and these people want to be sure to have a good time and not make any mistakes! This forum is the right place for these queries and it is hurtful to be trolled! Mauritians are well known for their warm welcome to visitors and those who come to this page to criticise give a bad impression of the island and should be blocked by the moderator!

Terry Paulsen answered 8 months ago

Well said and I agree 100%

Stephen Macdonald answered 8 months ago

Part of the problem is stupid questions…” whats the weather going to be like next Thursday” ? Things like that need the appropriate smart answer, don’t you think 🤔

Amanda Dearden Royle answered 8 months ago

Absolutley agree. Too much hate in the world already. ❤️❤️❤️

Rosabie Anton-Sattel answered 8 months ago

Sometimes a lot of silly question
1. Which weather next year in July
2. Which Docs before enter mauritius
3. Is the Food ok
4. Wait too long by checkin
5. What the Price for a cocktail in Hôtel
6. Picture from the menu
7 . Mauriciens arnaques
8. Too expensive
9. Sh.., Its rainy..
Etc etc etc

Anette Engel answered 8 months ago

Agree with you.
We do not need to share all the same point of view.each one can love a region or a hotel or a place in Mauritius for some reason,let us respect different point of view and let us be nice .
Sending you all blessings from Germany. We are very eager to be week more.we can’t wait.

Christel Dialava-lf answered 8 months ago

It’s always good to do some research in the group before asking a question to see if it has already been answered. As for the what’s the weather like questions in 10 months… no comments 🙈
Some questions have been asked a million times and answered a million times. The 🔍 exist for a reason 😄

Prem Chetan Gopall answered 8 months ago


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