Nice_Yoghurt_7611 asked 6 months ago

Hi!I arrived in Mauritius yesterday, and I’ve been pondering this.I had picked up my luggage (backpack) and was just about to go through the nothing to declare door when I got stopped by security and asked for my passport and who I was with so I pointed out my travel buddy. Im an English guy with Australian heritage, I have long blond hair and a beard. I was wearing a T-shirt that says “Australia” in green and yellow. My travel buddy is a Hungarian girl.The security bloke took me aside and asked if I’d brought tobacco in with me, so I showed him my pouch in my pocket and he said “don’t show anyone that” 🧐 Then he said “did you bring any weed?” I said no. I don’t smoke weed, and if I did, I’d be crazy to try and smuggle it through an airport right?He then searched both my bags in their entirety, and the bags of my friend, who also smokes tobacco and had hers with her, obviously didn’t find anything and let us go with the warning of not bringing our half pouches of tobacco with us.There were also questions about where we lived, our jobs, where we were staying etc which we had trouble proving at first because our UK sims don’t work here.My question is: did he point out our baccy because he wanted to justify the search? And if I’d bought a heap of cigarettes at Gatwick duty free would that have been taken from me? And was I singled out because of the way I look?

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