QuestionsGeneral-MiscDangerous Roads at Night in Mauritius
ConfectionHot6345 asked 1 year ago

Hi! I'm curious if there are any risky roads in Mauritius, particularly at night with regards to thieves or other dangers. If you have any personal experiences or advice, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share them in the comments section. Thanks!

nivhsay answered 1 year ago

Basically, never stop whatever happens, stones or eggs thrown at you. It can happen in certain areas.
Also beware of unauthorized racing on some arteries of motorways during the night. Just give way if you find yourself in the middle of one of those.

DeliciousBallz answered 1 year ago

Keep a machete beneath your driver seat.

[deleted] answered 1 year ago

Don’t go to strange places at night. At night you have idiots on the roads, and unlawful activities peak during this time. If you are going out at night, make sure it’s a place you know. It’s really as simple as that to be honest.

iiiSushiii answered 1 year ago

It can even be dangerous during the day if you go to more remote areas. Be careful of a car trying to block you in asking for a random favour.

I was parked up in the side of a coastal road enjoying the view and an old car pulled up to mine asking to borrow my charger wire. I noticed that while the driver was trying to distract me – their friend got out of the passenger side.

When I noticed the other guy get close to my car – luckily they hadn’t completely trapped me in so I was able to quickly drive off.

kops31 answered 1 year ago

I mean this sounds like the island is full of terror. Is that what it is?

atifaslam6 answered 1 year ago

Barkley, roche boi. Can name few more.

ianik7777 answered 1 year ago

unfortunately, it’s everywhere. everywhere the road may be dangerous or you may come accross those “fardeau de la socieT”. zis prepare toi et biensur, be well equipped.

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