QuestionsGeneral-MiscDating in Mauritius: Methods of today?
OptimisedMan asked 12 months ago

Hello all,This is in relation to dating with intent for the long term aged 27-35. Not sure if the flair should be 'local' or 'culture'.I assume Mauritius is progressive in nature, or is this an unwise assumption? While I think people are still open and accepting to meet via family introductions, I have read that people are more open and wanting to meet people themselves in work, socialising etc.How do mauritians do this, do they use apps such as tinder?Are their any main apps that are used?Are their dating events?Do people still prefer to keep within their own religion / culture for family life?regards,

Escanor1365 answered 12 months ago

Guess people here don’t know how to use dating apps. Been banned just for saying hi om Tinder. May are on it just to show off.

May be you might be lucky. Good luck anyway.

nekulturny86m answered 12 months ago

I got married from Tinder so strongly recommend 🙂

Hub_3rt_1309 answered 12 months ago

Met my gf at a Treasure hunt 7 years ago

Diligent_Energy_4922 answered 12 months ago

Forget about social media ,tinder etc at first ! We will use the old ways ,when you see an attractive girl ,go talk to her !

Nowadays this seems unorthodox or maybe unachievable but this how real men used to do it and if you do it in modern times ,it will make you stand out so grab your balls and make up the courage to do it !

Of course you will get rejected etc but you gotta keep going and something good will work eventually

However if the above method fails then you can try tinder etc etc !

Efficient_Onion9434 answered 12 months ago

Met my girlfriend during an impromptu game night organised by a close friend we have in common.
Honestly, just put yourself out there, be social and be kind.
Best of luck!

Illustrious_Date8697 answered 12 months ago

Didnt use apps much. Since Mauritius had more of an office culture as opposed to.a working from home one, most of my gfs were from work

RitviDaveshTk answered 12 months ago

M 22….dating is fucked ngl

OptimisedMan answered 12 months ago

So approaching a woman in a mall with her friends or out by a beach restaurant would be okay

ciphersaw answered 12 months ago

1. See a girl
2. Approach her and tell her she looks good
3. Ask for her number
4. Go on dates
5. Repeat if it doesn’t work

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