QuestionsGeneral-MiscEarly morning Christmas Eve hike of Le Pouce
Hopenderz asked 7 months ago

Carrying camera gear up there was worth it!

Hopenderz answered 7 months ago

First time going on a sunrise hike, wasn’t sure of what to expect of the conditions. Things turned out nicely though.

ajaxsirius answered 7 months ago


AceSpadePirate answered 7 months ago

Amazing view

seriousseritonin answered 7 months ago

Last year, got a chance to hike Le Morne. Was surprised to see soo many people hiking on Christmas, made it it little too special. The sun was ablaze and was a pretty hard trek for someone with breathing issues but boy oh boy what beauty it was.

Your pictures of le pouce are beautiful

SonderingQuizel answered 7 months ago

Holy shit! I would buy those prints

Wild-Command4629 answered 7 months ago

So cute

MauritianOnAMission answered 7 months ago

Lovely morning colours. <3

Hopenderz answered 7 months ago

Thanks for the kind words everyone ! Dropping my IG if ever you want to follow my landscape photos of Mauritius ! [Meandering_Moments ](

Escanor1365 answered 7 months ago

Meilleur ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)

Alternative-Effort10 answered 7 months ago

Those are pro level shots!

jeyoung answered 7 months ago

The first picture is a killer.

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